mar a mar ultra trail run

A unique sports event, following a spectacular route from the coast in the Sea of Cortez, to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean, crossing the Sierra de la Laguna in a 3-stage format, traveling on foot a total of 105 km.

The experience:

Candestino works together with Sabino Productions for the De Mar a Mar ultra trail ( as its local Operations partner. We plan, manage, and operate all campsites, meals, bags transportation and logistics, and massage services for all over 350 participants. 

In addition, Clandestino has created and exclusive Clandestino Travel Access Package, a limited personal assistance plan pre, during and after the race that includes additional premium accommodation and transportation alternatives, special amenities, services and reserved areas during the race.

  • Personalized luggage transfer throughout the entire race.

  • Mattress and pillow kit for camping tent

  • Exclusive massage with physiotherapist en each stage (previous registration)

  • Recovery tub at the finish area

  • Recovery drinks and snacks in camps and at finish line

  • Exclusive camp areas

  • Exclusive recovery area at finish line

    *See PDF for our full access package.

whats included: